Payroll Hours

Payroll Time Calculator

Export verified numbers to your payroll team without errors.

Get Payroll Right

Your employees count on you to get payroll right. They bank on you, even. This is the one thing you must get exactly right — and every time. You take a lot of responsibility tracking employee hours, right? And now its just expected. You deserve way more credit. But what if you could get payroll exactly right, every time, just by clicking one button?

Be Absolutely Certain

“I don't understand my hours.” Uh-oh. Time to double-check everything, starting at the payroll timesheet template, right? Frustrating. Get it right to begin with. Your employees will start trusting payroll. You do less double-checking.

Payroll Hours Approval Process

Are your employees double checking paychecks? Are they finding mistakes? TixTime optionally uses a pre-approval process so employees know what they are getting paid before paychecks are printed. Employees sign off on timesheets before payroll receives them. This process virtually eliminates questions about paychecks and any rush to your payroll department on payday to resolve problems.

By using signsheets you are sure that the employees have agreed to the hours that are sent for payment before the checks are printed, reducing headaches after checks have already been processed.

Quit Doing Payroll Hours Math

Ever calculate hours for each of your employees? By hand? That is not fair. You never have to calculate hours again. Easily configure your business rules and let the system automate the rest.

Always Be On Time

Payroll hours can't be late. Ever. What if you could get all of the numbers, automatically calculated, with one click? Complete your payroll duties in minutes. Run the report and send total hours.

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